Original content created for arts workers and consumers.

Critical Narratives are 4 annual publications that feature an original creative work (i.e. audio recording, fiction/non-fiction writing, videotaped performance, photography, documented multimedia piece, etc.) The intention of critical narratives are to encourage artists to question and challenge norms through critical dialogue and art. 

The theme of 2021-2 Critical Narratives is DREAMSCAPES. We want to hear from artists about how you are envisioning a more sustainable and equitable future.

Examples of DREAMSCAPES topics can include, but are not limited to, 

  • Desirelines 
  • Where Do You Go When You Dream?
  • The Future of Art Education
  • Rebirth: A Just Future
  • Indigenous Futures
  • Fever Dreams: Real or Imagined
  • No Money No Problems: Exploring Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Artists 
  • The Role of AR, VR & The Surreal in Social Landscaping 
  • Something else- what do DREAMSCAPES mean to you?

Once selected, artists are paid to create or showcase a piece of their choice in response to the theme alongside an artist statement explaining how the piece relates to the theme. The selected artists will each receive an artist fee to share an original piece for the series to be displayed on our website and social media channels. Artists retain the rights and ownership of their work.

Please fill out the form below to let us know where we can see your work and what subtheme you are interested in applying to. 

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