Welcome to the Neighbourhood Arts Network Learning Room and the 'Learning' Section. This is where you'll find valuable information about workshops, programs, places and spaces that may help enrich your practice.
We’ve designed this space to direct you to specific professional development opportunities, online learning, lesson plans, funding initiatives, toolkits, reports and information that is relevant to artists and organizations in the community engaged arts sector. If there is anything you would like to see added to this section, do not hesitate to contact us today!
Pre-professional Training in the Performing Arts.
From project management to video production, marketing to communications, this 8-video series was designed for self-employed artists and arts organizations by artists and cultural leaders in the community, sharing skills and information on a variety of practical professional development topics.
Resources include reports, articles and useful links in the following areas: governance practice, diversity, succession planning, fundraising and financial oversight, human resources, and more.
Our intern, Sabrina, analyses Twitter data to bring you the best advice to increase your following.
Hello Neighbourhood Arts Network members! From our neighbourhood to yours, we bring you this community feature about Young People’s Theatre, a space dedicated to providing young people with education and engagement with theatre arts.
In this 5th video in a series of 5, learn how inclusive and mutual support can sustain individuals and collectives in community arts practices.
In this 4th video in a series of 5, learn how to be rooted within existing community contexts and initiatives.
Consideration of community priorities and a clear benefit for participation is key!
In this 3rd video in a series of 5, learn how to make art more relevant to individuals and communities. Art can be a tool for social change! Be inclusive, relevant and representative of your community.
The 2nd video in a series of 5 speaks to how reflexivity and relationships starts with critical self-reflection; reflecting on how our own position fits with those we aim to work with. This sort of reflection helps when working to build and maintain relationships.
In this 1st video in a series of 5, learn about how flexibility and adaptability as an overarching principle to applying an arts & equity lens in your work and creative practice.