Participation * Pedagogy * Online and Remote Facilitation * Social Justice * COVID-19

The Beyond the Toolkit resource shares findings, resources and illustrations as informed by a pilot study and virtual event series, "Community Engagement in COVID-19". Our goal is to support community-engaged practitioners (community artists, participatory visual methods practitioners, community facilitators and participatory researchers) in reflecting on and adapting their facilitation practice to online and/or remote settings. We are particularly invested in having conversations about facilitation, as grounded in a social justice framework.
Visit the Beyond the Toolkit illustrated web-resource to learn more about hosting community-engaged gatherings, meetings, and workshops online and remotely, as we weather the storms of COVID-19. We also hope these conversations will support practitioners well beyond the pandemic.
In the resource, you will be invited to reflect on:
- Ethical commitments: the values guiding our work and the tensions that arise when facing the conditions imposed by the pandemic.
- Ethical considerations: the potential risks of moving participatory, community-engaged work to online or remote settings
- Pedagogical considerations: the ways our values are put in practice and the helpful strategies for gathering online or remotely.
Lastly, you will also find useful resources and illustrations for use in your own work. Let’s keep the conversation going!
This online resource is created as part of the Community-Engagement in COVID-19 study, as led by the Youth Research Lab at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, at University of Toronto, in partnership with Neighbourhood Arts Network, the Centre for Community Partnerships (University of Toronto), Gendering Adolescent AIDS Prevention (New College), and a team of community-based and academic practitioners. Visit our website to learn more about our team.
To cite this image: Vela Alarcón, Andrea and the Community Engagement in COVID-19 study team. (2021). Ethical considerations. Beyond the Toolkit.
To cite the web-resource as a whole: Switzer, Sarah and the Community Engagement in COVID-19 study team (2021). Beyond the Toolkit.