CALL FOR PROPOSALS II Outdoor Sculpture 2025 - Oneo Gallery
Oeno Gallery’s Sculpture Garden at Huff Estates opened on June 25, 2011 as a place dedicated to the exhibition of world class outdoor sculpture. The 4 acre garden has become a prized feature of the property and has received thousands of visitors to date.

The gallery invites artists to submit proposals for the garden’s 13th exhibition year. The property offers a wide variety of sites for placement. Areas to consider include the sculpture garden proper, the outdoor area by the winery, the zone immediately surrounding the gallery, and the pond (limestone quarry). Proposals will be reviewed and selected by the gallery. Sculptures must be original, durable, and safe for viewing by the public in an unsupervised natural area. They must be able to withstand extreme year-round weather conditions and tolerate strong winds. This includes, rain, snow wind and salty air. The work must also be available for sale. The artist is responsible for the transportation, installation and removal of their work in the event it does not sell.
Interested artists are to submit proposals to:
Zac Shunock & Dana Charles, Sculpture Garden Directors / 613 393 2216
Interested artists should submit their proposals by Friday, Feb 28th, 2025 at 12 noon.
Accepted proposals must be ready for installation by early May 2025 to latest mid - June, 2025 (TBD) and must be on display for a minimum one year. The gallery may ask to extend the display for a longer period of time if the work does not sell within that time frame.
Proposals must include:
1. Contact Information: Name, Address, Phone Number, E-mail, Website
2. Artist Statement/Bio
3. CV
4. Artwork statement – Include Title, Year, Medium and Size for the
proposed work(s) and describe how this work will relate to/expand on current
themes in your work in a single word document
5. Create one folder of High res Images of the sculpture(s) you are
proposing (Minimum of 300 dpi, 1500 pixels wide), sketches and support
images. Clearly title the .jpegs with the Title of the piece.
6. Description of the project and plan for installation. Please consider all
aspects of transporting the work to the garden site in Prince Edward
County, Ontario and installing the piece in the garden. Onsite forklift
available upon prior request
7. Estimated retail price of the work.
8. Photo of artist
9. Other examples of existing work should be labelled as Other Examples
and sent in a separate folder for review
Visit Website: Link
Sculpture Garden FAQ: Link
Submit Application: Link