Call for New Members 2024: Toronto Public Art Commission

Percent for Public Art Program

The Percent for Public Art Program: Call for New Toronto Public Art Commission Members is now out.

Deadline for Applications: Friday, November 1, 2024 at 4pm


The Toronto Official Plan encourages the inclusion of public art in all significant private sector developments across the city. The City of Toronto works with the private sector to secure public art contributions through development review, Official Plan amendments and rezonings.

The governing principle for the Percent for Public Art Program is that art is a public benefit to be enjoyed and experienced by residents and visitors throughout the city. The privately-owned art is intended to make buildings and open spaces more attractive and interesting and to improve the quality of the public realm. The Program requires that artwork must be clearly visible at all times from publicly accessible areas. Alternatively, the City may seek public art contributions to be directed to City-owned public lands. An overview of the Program can be found in the Percent for Public Art Program brochure.

The Toronto Public Art Commission (TPAC) is a City of Toronto advisory body established in 1985. TPAC provides recommendations to the City to assist in the review of public art projects, activities and policies. TPAC also provides valuable independent feedback to staff about public art plans brought forward by private developers as part of the Percent for Public Art Program. Projects may include large-scale development, district public art plans, secondary plans, master plans, multi-phased or individual developments, as well as contributions for private property and/or off-site locations on public land.


The mandate of the Toronto Public Art Commission includes the following:

Promote awareness and understanding of the importance of high-quality public art.
Provide guidance and advice to City staff, developers and sponsors at the early stages of public art projects.
Review, with City staff, public art opportunities and art selection methods brought forward by the private sector. Note: TPAC does not select the final artwork and are not members of the selection jury.
Assist in ensuring that the selected location for the public art maximizes public accessibility and visibility.
TPAC is also committed to promoting equity and diversity in public art, such as improving the visibility of Indigenous people, history and culture in Toronto.

For more information, please contact:
Andrea Mantin
Percent for Public Art Program Lead & Project Manager Public Art 

Please visit the website